Grassroots Level Financial Education on Remittance Program Launched

March 12th, 2018|

MasterCard in partnership with WARBE Development Foundation on Monday announced the Grassroots Level Financial Education program on Remittance Utilization

Activists Call to Stop Sending Women Migrants Abroad Sans Protection

March 8th, 2018|

Migrant rights activists on Thursday urged the government to stop sending the women migrant workers to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Arab

Reflection on Intergovernmental Negotiations on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

February 28th, 2018|

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration resets on the principles adopted in the

Divisional Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Safe, orderly, Regular Migration and the Protection of Migrant’s Rights

February 19th, 2018|

One Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Safe, Orderly, Regular Migration and the Protection of Migrant’s

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Functions – Migration Information and Support Center (MISC)

MISC is well known as Migration Information and Support Center to the community people. This is the grassroots community service center, established at upazila and district level to disseminate the information regarding safe migration. MISC is one of the most important components of WARBE DF Social Structure approach.


At present WARBE DF has established 11 MISC at district level, from where a migrant can get the following services:


  1. Pre-Decision Orientation and training (PDT) for safe migration
  2. Guidelines for Preparing own Passport
  3. VISA checking
  4. Fraudulence or Trafficking case filing
  5. Migration Loan or Reintegration loan related information
  6. Technical Training related information
  7. Community Based Organization (CBO) related information. And so on.

Today, WARBE Development Foundation continues to work towards a Bangladesh – and a world – where all migrants, male or female, regardless of social or economic class, may migrate internally or internationally free from threat of violence or exploitation.

Historical Background

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Mauris vulputate dui vel turpis iaculis, eget dapibus tortor tempus. Vestibulum auctor, felis sit amet interdum sagittis, neque libero tempor sem, id feugiat ipsum erat quis leo. Aenean non nisl dignissim, facilisis elit eu, molestie leo. Suspendisse id volutpat leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean venenatis ligula et eros pharetra, et consectetur magna posuere. In pharetra placerat rhoncus. Ut imperdiet, ligula vel rutrum consectetur erat.

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