Organizational profile

WARBE Development Foundation at a glance

WARBE (The Welfare Association for the Rights of Bangladeshi Emigrants) Development Foundation is a non-profit Community Based Organization (CBO) working in the field of migration and development in Bangladesh since 1997. WARBE DF is the brainchild of returnee migrant workers, committed to carrying out programs for the development and betterment of the migrant community. WARBE DF took the pioneer role in Bangladesh as a migrant workers’ association to deal with the issues of migrants’ rights.

WARBE DF has undertaken many development activities at the grassroots level as well as the national and international level for the well-being and the enhancement of migrant workers and their families; to empower and enable them to contribute to the socio-economic development of their country at the micro and macro level and to play a stronger and effective role in the political arena.

WARBE DF achieved UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) grants Special Consultative Status on July 2015. WARBE DF is also the members of Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA), The International NGO Platform on the Migrant Workers’ Convention (IPMWC), UN NGO Committee on Migration, La-Liga Global.


To protect and promote the rights of Bangladeshi migrants and to combine rights-based migration & socio-economic development of Bangladesh.


Summary of Activities

Grassroots Activities

WARBE DF has 12 Migration Information Support Centre (MISC) in 11 districts of 12 sub-districts of Bangladesh. It has different grassroots activities like Awareness Meeting, Pre-decision Meeting, Workshop on Remittances Best Uses, Reintegration Programme of Migrant Workers, Forum Theater, Network Development, Capacity Building Workshop with Local Government, Press Conference, Day Observations (Rally & Human Chain), Collecting Cases for legal support, Counseling and Dissemination of IEC Materials etc.

National Campaign

  • Proper Implementation of Overseas Employment and Migrant Workers Act 2013
  • Ratification of ILO Conventions related to Migration
  • Adoption of the ILO Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration
  • Migrants’ Voting Rights
  • Wage Earners’ Welfare Fund
  • Regulation and Control of Recruiting Agencies
  • Reintegration of Returnee Migrants.

International Activities

  • Global Media Forum
  • Colombo Process
  • World Social Forum on Migration (WSFM)
  • People SAARC
  • United Nations Human Rights Counsel (UNHRC), 2002
  • International Labor Conference (ILC), 2004
  • International NGO Hearings on High Level Dialogue, 2006 & 2013 & PGA
  • UNHLD 2006 & 2013
  • GFMD, Brussels, Manila, Athens, Mexico, Geneva……Mauritius, Sweden, Turkey & PGA.

WARBE DF has some ongoing projects. These are –

  • Project on Promoting Migrants Rights and Livelihood of Potential and Returnee Migrants and Their Families
  • Supported by AWO International
  • Promoting Safe Migration for Potential Migrants and Re-integration for Returnees
  • Supported by Manusher Jonno Foundation
  • Promote Migrants Rights by Enhancing Awareness on Safe Migration, Reintegration & Livelihood Options
  • Supported by Dan Church Aid
  • Combating Trafficking in Persons for Labor Exploitation Among Vulnerable Workers Activities
  • Supported by Solidarity Centre Bangladesh

Achievements from the initiatives

  • Bangladesh Government has ratified 1990 UN Convention without any reservation on April 21, 2011 and submitted to the UN on August 24, 2011
  • Overseas Employment and Migration Act 2013 has enacted
  • Observing Nationally the 18 December, International Migrants Day from 2008
  • Established Migrants Welfare Bank on April 20, 2011
  • 21 days compulsory government training for migrant domestic workers
  • 3 days compulsory government pre-departure training
  • Government initiated a long-term project on “Promoting Decent Work through Improved Migration Policy and its Application in Bangladesh” Supported by SDC and executed by ILO. Selected WARBE as a Project Steering Committee Member to oversee the implementation of the project.
  • WARBE DF is the core member of Inter-Ministerial Committee of Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Migration, Integration on National Development Strategy”
Contact Us

WARBE Development Foundation, B183 Rd 21, Dhaka-1206

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