Grass root Programs

  • Social Structure
  • Awareness Meeting
  • Pre-decision Meeting
  • Pre-departure Training
  • Proper Utilization of Remittances Workshop
  • Skill Development Training
  • Re-integration of Migrant Workers
  • Network Development
  • Psychosocial Counselling
  • Production of IEC Materials

National Level Programs

  • National Consultation, Workshop & Dialogue
  • National Campaigns
  • Observing International Women’s Day
  • Observing 1st May, International Labor Day
  • Observing Violence against Women’s Day.
  • Observing World AIDS Day
  • Observing Anti-Slavery Day
  • Observing International Human Rights Day
  • Celebrating International Migrants Day

International Programs

  • United Nations Human Rights Counsel (UNHRC), 2002
  • International Labor Conference (ILC), 2004
  • International NGO Hearings on High Level Dialogue, 2006 & 2013 & PGA
  • GFMD in Brussels, Manila, Athens, Mexico, Geneva, Mauritius, Sweden
  • Colombo Process
  • People SAARC
  • UNHLD 2006 & 2013
Contact Us

WARBE Development Foundation, B183 Rd 21, Dhaka-1206

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