Abu Dhabi Dialogue Overview

In 2008, The United Arab Emirates had taken the groundbreaking step of hosting an inaugural Ministerial Consultation in Abu Dhabi of Asian destination countries with the Colombo Process states on the theme “Contractual Labor Mobility in Asia: Key Partnerships for Development between Countries of Origin and Destination.” The Abu Dhabi Dialogue launched a collaborative approach to address development in temporary labour mobility in Asia. It was initiated to broaden the base for common understanding of issues and to influence practices and policies in the area of contractual labor for the region. The meeting was meant to highlight the potential of contractual labor mobility to benefit overseas workers as well as the development of both countries of origin and destination in Asia. This Ministerial Meeting brought together for the first time the Colombo Process states with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, plus Yemen and two additional Asian countries of destination, namely Malaysia and Singapore, in the first meeting of the “Abu Dhabi Dialogue.” The Abu Dhabi Dialogue constituted a milestone in regional cooperation on contractual labor mobility.

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