People’s Global Action

Since 2006, migrant communities and civil society organizations have organized the People’s Global Action on Migration, Development, & Human Rights (PGA) to enhance their efforts to engage governments at the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development (UNHLD) (2006, 2013), and in meetings of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) (2007–2016). Civil society engaged both inside the formal government processes—in the limited space provided by governments to raise migrants’ rights issues—and outside, in the PGA’s parallel events and demonstrations. Last year Peoples’ Global Action (PGA) held at Istanbul (2015). Before that PGA held at- Stockholm (2014), New York City (2013), Port Louis, Mauritius (2012), Geneva (2011), Mexico City (2010), Athens (2009), Manila (2008), Brussels (2007), New York City (2006).

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